What is the subscription fee for Nagwa Portals?

Nagwa Portals can be set up with the following payment options:

Admin Funded

Top up your Wallet at any time. When a student signs in to your Portal for the first time each calendar month, the student fee will be deducted from your Wallet.

Student Funded

When a student signs in to your Portal for the first time each calendar month, they will be asked to pay the student fee.

How can I top up my Wallet?

To top up your Wallet visit https://tutors.nagwa.com/ and navigate to the Wallet. You can top up directly using a credit or debit card. You can also use Fawry to top up your Wallet.

When should I top up my Wallet?

If a Portal is Admin Funded, you need to top up your Wallet before students sign in for the first time each calendar month.

We would suggest topping up your Wallet a few days before the start of each month to ensure your student can alway gain access.

When does the student fee get deducted from my Wallet?

When a student signs in to your Portal for the first time each calendar month, the student fee will be deducted from your Wallet.

If a student fee is deducted in the middle of the month, when will they lose access?

Since Nagwa Portals use calendar month cycles, the next fee for this student would be deducted when the student signs in for the first time the following calendar month.

Can I switch my Portal from Admin Funded to Student Funded?

Currently we don’t have the functionality to do this; however, it’s coming soon and will be managed through Portal settings through https://tutors.nagwa.com.

What happens to my Wallet balance when the calendar month is over?

The money will stay in your Wallet, it will only be deducted when a student signs in for the first time in a calendar month.

Can I withdraw money from my Wallet, and how?

You can request a refund for the entire balance of your Wallet at any time. The balance will be refunded through the same payment method you used, this may take up to 14 days.

What is the minimum number of students for the Portal?

There is no minimum number of students to create or use a Portal. You only pay for a student if they sign in during a calendar month.

Can I put my Portal on hold?

Your Portal can be placed on hold by suspending access to your students. Whilst their access is suspended, they will not be able to sign in and no money will be deducted from your Wallet.

Suspending student access will not suspend Admin or Educator access.

If you would like to deactivate individual students, you can do this through You can also deactivate individual students through https://tutors.nagwa.com/.

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